Just a short day

Welp, we’ve officially begun daily field expeditions. However, no one informed the weather to cooperate and no one informed the weathermen to correctly predict the weather. A 20% chance of rain they said. Well weathermen, if I’m in the field, I can’t see that prediction change to 50%, can I? And now you’re calling for a chance of rain/snow tonight? I don’t think so! 

Maybe I’m just finding someone to blame for my decision to try and go in the afternoon. But as of yesterday, the forecast was only cloudy! Sorry for the mini-vent session. Can’t wait for the weather to get better. Let’s go summer! 


Yesterday (Sunday), Prameek and I collected some ear tag IDs and even got some nursing data! I tell ya, it’s a rush being out here…when I’m not stressing about everything else. Sure, you could be positive and tell yourself everything is going to work out, but you’ve got to prepare yourself for all possible outcomes, which I do…frequently. Feels good.

You know what else feels good? Photographs of nature…eat your heart out, folks.



As of today I might actually be able to do my thesis! Yes, a little late, I know, but my thesis is on the effect of population density on nursing behavior, and up until today I didn’t think we’d be able to compare population densities. But with assistance from Rob (a biologist at OSPRA) and Michael (the tech I worked with last summer), Prameek and I made it out to the second pasture today. Never been there before so that was exciting. Plus, the bison were very cooperative. Didn’t even have to say please. Manners go a long way.

As of now we’ve got the rest of week planned out. It helps to feel in control of something, what with all the unpredictable bison we have to observe, random inclimate weather and a questionable offroading vehicle. If you don’t know me, I plan ahead. Sometimes this disconcerts people, but it’s not like I’m planning their life. Just mine, weeks in advance. South Dakota is about as wild and crazy as I get.

Safety Not Guaranteed trailer

Just had the pleasure of watching this great movie. Thanks to my new found love for the series “The League” and being a loyal fan of “The Mindy Project” , Mark Duplass can do no wrong. He, alongside Aubrey Plaza from “Parks and Recreation” and my love Jake Johnson from “New Girl”, star in an interesting film about writing a magazine article based on a time traveling ad in the paper. Watch it. You won’t regret it. And if you do, maybe you can learn to time travel and stop yourself from pressing play.

First day back on the pasture

We’re back where the buffalo roam and taking full advantage of it! Today was the first day where the pasture may have been dry, so we took a chance. Sadly, there was a nice dip in the road that was significantly muddy and we didn’t want to chance the Kia getting stuck. Yep, mama’s driving a Kia Sportage now. Gunner the Ford Focus is safely on Long Island being driven by my sisters. He’s a great little car.

While we were driving to the pasture we spotted a little lab puppy. We resisted pulling over and continued on. But we only had to continue another few yards to the gate so she caught up with us. Only a person without a heart could leave her which is why we picked her up and plopped her in the car. She was lucky enough to come into the pasture.

Due to the aforementioned muddy roads, the Kia could only go so far. We walked for a few minutes, puppy in tow, until we came across a clearing. On top of the hill ahead of us stood about twenty bison…that we could see. Prameek got some snapshots of the group and then we swiftly returned to the car. I didn’t think to bring any of our equipment and we were so far from the car that I felt uncomfortable. Even with last summer under my belt I’m still no bison whisperer.

We made it to the car with our tiny companion and headed back to the office. Unfortunately, the puppy got bored being at the office and wandered off to explore her new surroundings. Hope she’s alright! Bright side: We are stocked with puppy chow in case another comes along.

puppy2First rescue of the summer. 

Pictures of bison coming soon! We venture in to the field on Sunday! Research rests for no one!

Also, I’m getting a killer tan. Thank you, sun. I’ve been pale for way too long.

I’m back!

After three days of driving we finally made it to Kyle, South Dakota! Now the real work starts. Unpacking. Unfortunately, our living space this year is quite different from my house last year. We are incorporated into an office space, so it looks like this…IMG_2074we fit two beds and a makeshift closet. and we have two couches, one of which i’m using right now.

IMG_2073my bed!

Not to act like too much of a princess, but sleeping in a cot/tent…not exactly my idea of comfort. But that aspect I can deal with. Four months of a cot/tent just means four more months of deep tissue massages. Another thing about these “beds” is the amount of noise you make when readjusting. If you shift to your other side, it sounds like you’re battling a spider in there. The amount of noise produced from touching the sides of the tent is ridiculous. Every time Prameek moved, I thought he was waking up from a bad dream. Also, his cot/tent collapsed in the middle of the night, so that was fun.

Today the plan is to head in to Rapid and go grocery shopping. Mom, the third of food you paid for beforehand is much appreciated. We still need a decent amount of food, but it’s not like we’ll be creating five star cuisine. I’ll spare you the pictures of the sad meals I plan on cooking. However, if any are particularly happy, I’ll obviously post them on instagram (follow me: tobyjaye) since that’s instagram’s main purpose. That, and adorable pet photos. I don’t know about you, but my pets are always doing something so adorable I need to share it with the world! Sometimes, they just look at me and I have this urge to post it on every social media outlet available. This summer, the world is going to have to depend on my family at home to provide them with the adorable antics of my pets. Here are some pictures to tide you over…

IMG_1590Kaci and Dakota chatting about the snowy winter we had

IMG_1608Dakota being surrounded by the paparazzi. Probably to out his cocaine addiction. It’s snow, people! 

IMG_1625Here’s Pele being cute and snuggling. Please excuse my appearance. Unless you’re my future husband. Then I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to get used to this. 

The highlight of my day had to have been engaging in a twitter conversation with one of the stars of ‘New Girl’, Lamorne Morris. Yes, It actually happened. April 24th will forever be remembered as the day I twitflirted with Lamorne Morris.
LMLamorne Morris rockin’ a suit and tie. 

On the road again

Well, it’s that time of year again. Back to South Dakota we go! I bet you’re all excited to see what crazy bison shenanigans I can get in to this summer. The first shenanigan on the list is ending up in Michigan while trying to find lodging in Indiana. My geography isn’t great so that was a surprise.

I am comfortably sitting in a hotel room at the prestigious ComfortInn (with a wonderful welcoming staff…he laughed at one of my jokes – we’re getting married in September), snuggling under the covers watching ‘The Following’. But don’t worry folks, I’m not alone. This summer there will be a second addition to the research staff, let’s all welcome Prameek! He’s joining me from Pace University in White Plains and is super excited to be in the field. He can help pump me up for another season of field work.

We hit the “I” states tomorrrow: Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. Not sure I’ll be able to handle all that farmland. If I was with my mom she’d swear it was all corn. Sure, mom. Every pasture is corn.

Okay, it’s time to give Kevin Bacon my full attention, that way he’ll visit my dreams later…like he promised.

It’s been real, Manhasset

It’s finally that time again…time to venture back to South Dakota! In preparation for furthering my career choice, I had to leave my current job. It’s been two years since I graduated college and officially joined the work force. In those two years I’ve become familiar with so many things here at the Feinstein (Institute for Medical Research). For your enjoyment, here are the 5 things from the Feinstein I’ll miss the most and 5 things I won’t:

Won’t Miss:

1. The cafeteria food.
Now, our caf food is filling and generally healthy, but it’s also, dare I say, overpriced (shhh!). I love spending at least $5 a day on lunch  as much as the next person (which I’m guessing isn’t a lot…), but I’d prefer to be overpay for food I consistently enjoy eating. Sorry Grassroots! I’m also going to miss seeing the limited stock of sandwiches, paninis and salads every day. Not.

2. The smell.
Now I’ve worked with some pretty awful smells (ie: rotted chicken liver, dog poop, fish…), but the mice smell is up there. It’ll be nice to maybe add a new smell to my list. Perhaps even one that smells pleasant? No, I guess I’m in the wrong field for that. Bison unfortunately do not smell pleasant.

3. Lack of sunlight.
Pretty sure I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the lack of sunlight does not help. Our lab can usually be found either in the basement without windows or our office without windows. They either need to install a fake window or get us some tanning beds. UV light and a tan? That might get me to stay.

4. The building’s lack of regard for insulation.
Even on the coldest days of winter, the building would still be freezing. There are points during the winter where I stop trying and just throw in a warm long-sleeve and a giant sweater. Warmth over beauty. That’s how I live my life.

5. Loneliness.
Not only does the basement have limited access to sunlight (who am I kidding, no access to sunlight – it is a basement after all) but the basement also has limited access to people. We don’t get much visitors downstairs forcing me to sing to occupy myself. Good thing the walls are thick.

Will miss:

1. Wearing a lab coat.
How many other jobs can you feel like a true scientist or doctor without actually being one? Why yes, I am quite the professional. Don’t you realize I’m wearing a lab coat? It’ll be a shame to let that one go. Guess I’ll have to just wear a regular coat now.

2. Free coffee.
Thank you, Feistein for feeding my new found coffee addiction. If there was a Dunkin Donuts on campus I’d probably have a caffeine problem and an immaculate intestinal tract (TMI?), but since I have to make my own coffee, the treat becomes hit or miss. Either way, you’ve saved me hundreds of dollars over this past year. This struggling graduate student appreciates that.

3. Listening to music all day.
A long day confined in the basement is difficult, but the music in the background helps. It’s real purpose is to act as white noise for the mice, but really it’s to keep us sane. Not sure I’d make it throughout the day without hearing my best friend Blake or Bradley pop in to say “Hi, I love you”…such flirts.

Similar to the free coffee, the snack drawer has changed my life. When I first heard about the beloved snack drawer, I was too scared to actually find it. The snack drawer lives in one of the offices and I was nervous to dig through random filing cabinets searching for the hidden treasure. However, once shown where the candy presides, I was unstoppable. Free oreos, twix, fritos, trail mix, etc…?! Who can resist that? No one…the answer is no one.

5. THE PEOPLE! (Aw moment). This has been my longest held consistent job. I realize I worked at camp for four years (MIY JCC Shout out!), but that isn’t the same. Sure, you’re with those people all summer but try all year – that changes relationships. Fortunately, our small lab sincerely enjoys each other and I’m really really going to miss them as well as the other friends I’ve made. Thank you, everyone, for a wonderful two years!

Time to start a new chapter in the book of life.


PS: Also, I will really miss the private bathrooms. The free coffee knows why.